Bolton Green Party

Bolton Greens campaigning against the cuts

Cuts demoBolton Green Party will continue to campaign against the £81bn cuts being imposed by the coalition government, cuts that are hitting the most vulnerable people hardest. Thousands of jobs are being lost and essential services cut - libraries, day care centres, youth services, and public transport.

The NHS is also under grave threat from the government's proposed reforms, which will involve more bureaucracy, more complexity, more cost, more waste, whilst the service is being asked to make efficiency savings of £20bn.

The Green Party supports those public sector workers who are fighting against changes in terms that will see most working for longer, paying more, yet getting less. The Treasury has confirmed that the increase in contributions is not going towards pensions, but instead to paying down the deficit.

We believe that the current economic problems could be addressed by eliminating tax avoidance (£120bn), stopping bankers bonuses, scrapping the Trident nuclear weapons system (£100bn estimated lifetime cost), cutting unnecessary road building programmes and implementing a fairer tax system to ensure that the wealthy carry a fairer share of the burden.

This would enable us to protect public services, end pensioner poverty and increase the minimum wage to a living wage. A Green government would put Britain back to work by creating a million jobs in renewable energy, insulation, social housing, public transport and waste management. We need an economy based on manufacturing and agriculture, and an end to casino capitalism.

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